$1 Word Search

Have you ever heard of a dollar word search? It’s a special kind of puzzle where the letters in a word add up to a coin value. For example, an A is worth a penny, the letter B is worth two cents, C is worth three cents, and so on. Are you completely confused? That’s okay!  Just watch the video and I’ll show you how it all works.

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Were you able to use my hints to find some dollar words? Keep trying! It’s really fun and rewarding to find out which words work. Please add a comment below if you discover a new one. We would love to add it to our growing list of dollar words!


  1. What is the word “bucket” worth?
  2. Determine the monetary value of the word “toilet.”
  3. What is a “starfish” worth?
  4. The shortest sentence in English is “Go.” How much is it equivalent to?

Which one of the following has the greatest monetary value?

  1. Supper, dinner, lunch
  2. Monday, Sunday, Tuesday